Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dinner out and row by row

Meet A, she is 7 years old, exceptionally smart, very cute and very patient with adults. S and I went out to dinner with our young friend and her parents. Here she is enjoying her sorbet. I also had pictures of me enjoying my creme brulee as well, but have chosen thankfully not to publish those. We all had a lovely evening, and hope to go out again.

Secondly, is my row by row. My sewing group did a row by row project, and instead of a wallhanging or big quilt, I decided on a door banner for my sewing room. The colors are very bright, and everyone made beautiful rows. I am experimenting finishing it, but am limited as it can only be as wide as the door. So borders have to be small, but I like small.

Best of all, B and P are buying a beautiful home with lots of character, that I absolutely adore and know they will be happy with it. Congrats, you two.
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