Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ahh...sewing group

Today was our regular sewing group monthly meeting. We met at Linda T's house and we all brought something for lunch to share. We planned our Xmas party, and our table decorations for the guild Xmas party. Unfortunately, 3 of our members are under the weather, and one is trying to get her house repaired after a bad fire. Despite our fewer numbers this month, the four of us had a good time and got lots accomplished.
But the biggest news is that my favorite youngest son got engaged last night. We love his fiancee and are just thrilled to death. Two down and one to go......Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fall and All

Okay everyone is posting fall pictures this time of year. But these crape myrtles just look like fiery sticks this time of year. The other two pictures are generic fall pictures but they do inspire one to make a quilt using these colors.
The deer around here are very active these days, living on four acres of woods, you do see some interesting sights. Of course, Clare our new dog goes totally nuts when she sees them, and after they have gone away, she will stare out the windows looking for them for at least an hour afterward. Ever feel like a puppy is running your life????

This is Clare, feeling bad because she hates being in the kennel. But she was very wet after going outside, so she dries off in there. She shouldn't complain, her blanket contains alot of minky. How soft is that.
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

CBQ Auction 08

Okay, a day late but more auction pictures. Here
is one of Linda

Charlene, Jeanne and Suzette

Ray and Ben and Nieata and Linda

All the prancers, you know who you are
We will find out the numbers next week at the meeting. I know we did well.
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Sunday, November 9, 2008

It is Clare again. Today she is pictured with her new dog toy. Being a retriever, she especially likes the duct S bought for her this morning at PetSmart. She has been carrying it around all day.
She has been very patient with us this weekend as we have been turning the house upside down moving furniture. We had moved the master bedroom downstairs a few months ago, decided we liked it better upstairs so moved all our bedroom furniture upstairs, and turned the old bedroom into a den, and for that moved a sectional up from the basement family room up to use in our new den. It went on like that all saturday and half of today.
Then today S was running water in the sink and went to answer the phone and forgot about it, so we spent an hour cleaning up water on the kitchen floor, then discovered it had leaked down into the basement, another couple of hours. But now, we are done, and I told S, that if I ever said I wanted to move our bedroom downstairs, just ignore me, okay?

Needless to say, no time for quilting, but do have a few more pics from the auction. Will post them tomorrow.
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Thursday, November 6, 2008

More Quilt Auction 08

These are snapshots from our auction last Saturday. The biggest quilts were displayed on stage, made by various sewing groups withing the guild
The women seated are those whose job it was to walk the quilts around while they were being bid on, they are the lovely "prancers".

While reading all my quilting blogs, I am struck by how many were so happy about President Obama. Those who mentioned nothing about the historical vote ignored it. Oh Quilters we are so unwilling to

appear rude or unkind. We are real gentlewomen.

For me, the election was bittersweet. I am happy that we have a democrat, and a man who will be upfront, forthright and less partisan. But I did have a strong wish that a woman, namely Hillary would get the chance to lead this nation, and give women an opportunity to show how well or better we can do than a man. Perhaps in 8 years we will get the opportunity. How old is Hillary???
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Monday, November 3, 2008

Charity Quilt Auction 08

This is the quilt my sewing group submitted, and this is the sewing gp.
We had our auction Saturday, last and it went off like clockwork. We had 84 items to auction, we started at 1pm and were finished by 3:15. The auctioneer was great, the only downside was that many items didn't go for as high a price as last year, but I really think the bad economy really had a negative effect on prices.
There was plenty of food on hand, and lots of excitement. It is hard to believe but I am already looking forward to next year.
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