Thursday, May 7, 2009

Backyards and Beauties

This is my backyard...looks like a backyard where trees come to die, but I hope it will someday be, lush and green with grass and a kitchen garden.
I know some people are thinking, why cut down trees? Mostly because of the four acres we live on, this will be the only part that is not forest. I love forest, but would also love a backyard, and grass....and a place for a swing set, once my children get on the ball and give me a few grandchildren....(did I say that?)

But even with the "backyard" looking so bad, some things around this house give me solace. Like the flower beds around the house, my lovely roses, amazing irises, and of course, Clare.

Clare found something irresistable out in the woods, had to roll in it for at least as long as it took for S to pull her away. But of course she smelled like rotting corpse. Giving a smelly dog a bath first thing in the morning is not my idea of fun, but she smells sweet now and her fur is so soft.

Clare, the wonder dog!
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1 comment:

Miller Sturtevant said...

Backyard's looking good, mom. Pretty soon it's going to be garden and lawn. Hopefully before it starts to get cold again :)