Friday, February 27, 2009

Burning and Stripping

My bee is doing a row by row quilt, each member makes a row a length of their choosing, with fabrics they like, put it in a box and swap with the other bee members, until each member has contributed a strip to each persons box. We are getting down to the end, and will be getting our boxes back at our March bee meeting. We are all excited. This is one strip I made. Three more to go, yes, I am always behind.

We have discovered outdoor burning. We live in a relatively rural area outside Atlanta, so we can do it, when we obtain a "Burn permit" It is so cool to cut down scrub trees and fallen branches and not have to lug them to the dump, where the bin is always full. This picture has Clare coming and checking the area out.

She gets especially excited nowadays because our neighbor who owns the 10 acres next door, has decided to bring his horses to live on the property. They roam about freely, and Clare thinks she should be allowed to chase them freely.
We do beg to differ.

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