Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Now or Never

I've put it off long enough, once I get the words out there, I am sure it will get easier.

When you first start these things, you think, god whatcould I write that would be interesting enough to make anyone else want to read it. Good question!

But when I think of it in terms of a diary, something I can go back and read later, and say those were the good ole days or not...and if I decide to tell my children about it, they could read what I do and think about on a daily basis. They will love me no matter how boring my life is, right?

Then there are always the quilts. I am not that prolific when it comes to quilt production, but my friends are, so between myself and the rest of the "SewBeeIts" there might be some interesting pics.

But for my first post, I have to include a picture of my new dog. She is a rescue dog, a lab mix, and the sweetest thing in the world. She has taken over my life with all her boundless energy, need to play all the time and figuring out how to get along with two humans , three other dogs and two cats. She is getting better everyday, and has kept me active taking her for walks, and makes me laugh with all her antics. The occasional accidents, barking and waking me up at 5:30 am are harder but I know will improve with age.

Meet Clare, the new dog

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