It is Clare again. Today she is pictured with her new dog toy. Being a retriever, she especially likes the duct S bought for her this morning at PetSmart. She has been carrying it around all day.
She has been very patient with us this weekend as we have been turning the house upside down moving furniture. We had moved the master bedroom downstairs a few months ago, decided we liked it better upstairs so moved all our bedroom furniture upstairs, and turned the old bedroom into a den, and for that moved a sectional up from the basement family room up to use in our new den. It went on like that all saturday and half of today.
Then today S was running water in the sink and went to answer the phone and forgot about it, so we spent an hour cleaning up water on the kitchen floor, then discovered it had leaked down into the basement, another couple of hours. But now, we are done, and I told S, that if I ever said I wanted to move our bedroom downstairs, just ignore me, okay?
Needless to say, no time for quilting, but do have a few more pics from the auction. Will post them tomorrow.